can i get into uc santa barbara?
im a junior in high school and starting to look at colleges. Right now, uc at santa barbara is my top choice mainly because my sister has recently moved to LA. Im the president-elect of my schools pre-med club (HOSA; it has about 150 members). Im on the dance team. I think one of my main problems is going to be my grades. Using all the special uc weights, the gpa for my soph. year is only a 3.5. Im gonna finish out my fall junior semester with a 3.8 and hopefully do the same for the spring. So, if everything works out i will have a gpa of 3.65 for my jr. and sophmore years. Will this be enough to get into ucsb, considering that i live in memphis, tennessee? o, btw i havent gotten my sat scores yet.
Higher Education (University +) - 5 Answers
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um i dont know. but you can always just try applying and see what happens!
To determine the chances of getting into any school all you need to do is a little research. Go onto the website of the school and search for the profile of the average student. That will tell you what SAT/ACT score you will need; GPA you will need and class rank. Those are the three most important criteria to get the door open. The fourth criteria for the more prestige schools (and others) will be your personal background (sports & activities & volunteer work) and desire to attend that school. The fifth criteria will be how well you can express the "4th criteria" in writing. Good luck Also apply early helps a lot! If you can not fine the average profile send the admin office an email and ask them what SAT/ACT scores, GPA and class rank are needed.
If you’re SAT scores are good. When applying you need to list a lot of extra curricular activities... Even those with a GPA over 4.0 have been denied. You have to try and stand out somehow
To be honest, you would have a small chance of getting in. Considering you're not a California resident, it will be tough for you to get in. Public schools prefer residents, because their parents pay taxes which fund the school. You're doing pretty well, but if you wanted to go to school in California, you should look at the private schools. If you apply for public school in California, you'll be paying as much as you would in a private school anyways. Here are some private schools located in or near LA: -Occidental College -Pepperdine University -University of Southern California
GREAT CHOICE OF SCHOOL, UCSB! Yes, you can. Judging by your GPA, your achievements, etc. I am sure your SAT scores will be high enough to get in UCSB Santa Barbara is only about one hour drive from LA, so you and your sister can visit. Also Santa Barbara is heaven on earth! And the campus is very beautiful; one can see the ocean from most parts of the campus. I know; my nephew and his friends are going to UCSB. And I used to live and work in Santa Barbara. I know you will get in :) Best wishes always.
It will really depends on your SAT scores. UC looks at SAT scores first, then grades second. My niece, who was also President of her Sophomore and Senior Class, lead writer/editor for the school newspaper, and was on the track team, had a 3.9gpa didn't get accepted to UCSB. Teachers, and family members wrote to the school recommending that she be admitted, UC rescinded there original decision and accepted her. Being Out of State and getting accepted means you need to pay the extra fees.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Applying for University of Washington - Seattle.?
Applying for University of Washington - Seattle.?
I am currently a senior in high school. I'm graduating a year early. I'm not incredibly confident that I'll get accepted at my dream school. Recent lack of optimism for various reasons is to blame for that. And I've heard it's pretty tough to get in. Also, my mother has said that she may not even let me go there since I would have just turned 17 when I left for college. However, I'm applying anyway. It's worth a shot in my opinion. If I don't get in... well, at least I tried. My question is... What exactly should I write about in the writing section of the application? I have to write a Personal Statement... 1. Discuss how your family's experience or cultural history enriched you or presented you with opportunities or challenges in pursuing your educational goals. - OR - 2. Tell us a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it. And a Short Response... 1. The University of Washington seeks to create a community of students richly diverse in cultural backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints. How would you contribute to this community? - OR - 2. Describe an experience of cultural difference, positive or negative, you have had or observed. What did you learn from it? The word "culture" is used a lot. I'm not exactly the most cultural person. I'm an over-sheltered, middle class white kid from Memphis, Tennessee. That doesn't exactly scream culture. Unless I can write about my psycho parents, gang activity in my neighborhood, or the hundreds of people from around the world I have met during the many hours I've spent on the internet because of that previously mentioned over-sheltered thing. My GPA is pretty great, I think. I can't remember what it is at the moment. I don't really feel like remembering because it's 10AM, I feel terrible, and I haven't slept in too many hours. And, hopefully, I did okay on the ACT. I just took it this last Saturday so I haven't gotten my scores yet. I'll be taking it again though. (And studying a lot harder for it.) I only know I did terrible on the Writing part. Thirty minutes is NOT enough time for me to write more than maybe 10-20 sentences on some silly topic that I really don't have much of an opinion on. Everything else I did great or will do great on. I have typed way too much. Sooo... yeah. Anyway... My worries: writing section of application, whether or not my lack of activities/achievements/skills will seriously hurt me, and if the writing section of the ACT is super important if everything else is great and I write an awesome essay for my application.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Well first of all, don't be disheartened. With a good GPA, a good personal statement and strong references, you have just as good a chance as anyone of else of being accepted. Try and stay confident, as confidence will show through in your writing, and also help to boost your spirits. Also, if you do get accepted, and your Mom is against it, then explain to her all the reasons as to why you are mature and sensible enough to go, and how beneficial it would be to you. Okay, so to answer your questions... If you choose: "Discuss how your family's experience or cultural history enriched you or presented you with opportunities or challenges in pursuing your educational goals." then you will need to find some kind of cultural niche to talk about. Maybe you could research your family heritage. There may be a relative from another country and you can describe the impact of discovering this in your answer. Or, you can talk about your own culture, and your own family background, and how living in a secure and loving family has shaped you and given you the support to go out into the world alone and try and be successful. If you choose: "Tell us a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it." then you will need to think of one particular event in your life which has been significant. Perhaps one where you overcame adversity, despite being faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. You could even use the experience of trying to go to college, against the odds. For the second part... If you choose: "The University of Washington seeks to create a community of students richly diverse in cultural backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints. How would you contribute to this community?" then you can talk about how much you enjoy learning about new cultures, and you find that being around people from other backgrounds is an enriching experience. You can also talk about how you feel you have your own experiences to add into the mix, and share with those students. If you choose: "Describe an experience of cultural difference, positive or negative, you have had or observed. What did you learn from it?" then again you will have to describe one specific event. Perhaps travelling abroad on vacation, or the arrival of a transfer student at your school would be something to write about. So, just stay calm and don't worry about it too much. And make sure that you get enough sleep, as that will help you feel better overall. To address your can retake the ACT, the writing section of the application you will do fine on if you follow the points that I gave you, and you need to be more confident in your skills, and try to focus on the positives, and not the negatives. Colleges do look for some extra-curricular activities though, so it would help if you had at least one or two (or even things like self taught musical instruments, or language skills, any sorts of club, even an online blog). Anyway, best of luck!
I am currently a senior in high school. I'm graduating a year early. I'm not incredibly confident that I'll get accepted at my dream school. Recent lack of optimism for various reasons is to blame for that. And I've heard it's pretty tough to get in. Also, my mother has said that she may not even let me go there since I would have just turned 17 when I left for college. However, I'm applying anyway. It's worth a shot in my opinion. If I don't get in... well, at least I tried. My question is... What exactly should I write about in the writing section of the application? I have to write a Personal Statement... 1. Discuss how your family's experience or cultural history enriched you or presented you with opportunities or challenges in pursuing your educational goals. - OR - 2. Tell us a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it. And a Short Response... 1. The University of Washington seeks to create a community of students richly diverse in cultural backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints. How would you contribute to this community? - OR - 2. Describe an experience of cultural difference, positive or negative, you have had or observed. What did you learn from it? The word "culture" is used a lot. I'm not exactly the most cultural person. I'm an over-sheltered, middle class white kid from Memphis, Tennessee. That doesn't exactly scream culture. Unless I can write about my psycho parents, gang activity in my neighborhood, or the hundreds of people from around the world I have met during the many hours I've spent on the internet because of that previously mentioned over-sheltered thing. My GPA is pretty great, I think. I can't remember what it is at the moment. I don't really feel like remembering because it's 10AM, I feel terrible, and I haven't slept in too many hours. And, hopefully, I did okay on the ACT. I just took it this last Saturday so I haven't gotten my scores yet. I'll be taking it again though. (And studying a lot harder for it.) I only know I did terrible on the Writing part. Thirty minutes is NOT enough time for me to write more than maybe 10-20 sentences on some silly topic that I really don't have much of an opinion on. Everything else I did great or will do great on. I have typed way too much. Sooo... yeah. Anyway... My worries: writing section of application, whether or not my lack of activities/achievements/skills will seriously hurt me, and if the writing section of the ACT is super important if everything else is great and I write an awesome essay for my application.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Well first of all, don't be disheartened. With a good GPA, a good personal statement and strong references, you have just as good a chance as anyone of else of being accepted. Try and stay confident, as confidence will show through in your writing, and also help to boost your spirits. Also, if you do get accepted, and your Mom is against it, then explain to her all the reasons as to why you are mature and sensible enough to go, and how beneficial it would be to you. Okay, so to answer your questions... If you choose: "Discuss how your family's experience or cultural history enriched you or presented you with opportunities or challenges in pursuing your educational goals." then you will need to find some kind of cultural niche to talk about. Maybe you could research your family heritage. There may be a relative from another country and you can describe the impact of discovering this in your answer. Or, you can talk about your own culture, and your own family background, and how living in a secure and loving family has shaped you and given you the support to go out into the world alone and try and be successful. If you choose: "Tell us a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it." then you will need to think of one particular event in your life which has been significant. Perhaps one where you overcame adversity, despite being faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. You could even use the experience of trying to go to college, against the odds. For the second part... If you choose: "The University of Washington seeks to create a community of students richly diverse in cultural backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints. How would you contribute to this community?" then you can talk about how much you enjoy learning about new cultures, and you find that being around people from other backgrounds is an enriching experience. You can also talk about how you feel you have your own experiences to add into the mix, and share with those students. If you choose: "Describe an experience of cultural difference, positive or negative, you have had or observed. What did you learn from it?" then again you will have to describe one specific event. Perhaps travelling abroad on vacation, or the arrival of a transfer student at your school would be something to write about. So, just stay calm and don't worry about it too much. And make sure that you get enough sleep, as that will help you feel better overall. To address your can retake the ACT, the writing section of the application you will do fine on if you follow the points that I gave you, and you need to be more confident in your skills, and try to focus on the positives, and not the negatives. Colleges do look for some extra-curricular activities though, so it would help if you had at least one or two (or even things like self taught musical instruments, or language skills, any sorts of club, even an online blog). Anyway, best of luck!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Weird Laws!?
Weird Laws!?
In Texas, it's against the law for anyone to have a pair of pliers in his or her possession. In Philadelphia, you can't put pretzels in bags based on an Act of 1760. Alaska law says that you can't look at a moose from an airplane. In Corpus Christie, Texas, it is illegal to raise alligators in your home. In Miami, it is forbidden to imitate an animal. It is against the law to mispronounce the name of the State of Arkansas in that State. In Illinois, the law is that a car must be driven with the steering wheel. If your interested in the strange laws in this country then you should strive for an online paralegal certificate. Picture yourself enrolling in a paralegal institute for some online paralegal training ! Online programs that offer distance learning opportunities are great for people who work full time jobs or simply work better outside of a classroom environment. Go to Paralegal Tech today. California law prohibits a woman from driving a car while dressed in a housecoat. In Memphis, Tennessee, a woman is not to drive a car unless a man warns approaching motorists or pedestrians by walking in front of the car that is being driven. In Tennessee, it is against the law to drive a car while sleeping. In New York, it is against the law for a blind person to drive an automobile. In West Virginia, only babies can ride in a baby carriage. In Georgia, it is against the law to slap a man on the back or front. A barber is not to advertise prices in the State of Georgia. In Louisiana, a bill was introduced years ago in the State House of Representatives that fixed a ceiling on haircuts for bald men of 25 cents. In Oklahoma, no baseball team can hit the ball over the fence or out of a ballpark. In Rochester, Michigan, the law is that anyone bathing in public must have the bathing suit inspected by a police officer ! In Kentucky, it's the law that a person must take a bath once a year. In Utah, birds have the right of way on any public highway. In Ohio, one must have a license to keep a bear. In Tennessee, a law exists which prohibits the sale of bologna (sandwich meat) on Sunday. In Virginia, the Code of 1930 has a statute which prohibits corrupt practices or bribery by any person other than political candidates. In Providence, Rhode Island, it is against the law to jump off a bridge. In the State of Kansas, you're not allowed to drive a buffalo through a street. In Florida, it is against the law to put livestock on a school bus. In New Jersey, cabbage can't be sold on Sunday. In Galveston, Texas, it is illegal to have a camel run loose in the street! In North Carolina, it is against the law for dogs and cats to fight. In Singapore, it is illegal to chew gum. In Cleveland, Ohio, it is unlawful to leave chewing gum in public places. In Virginia, chickens cannot lay eggs before 8:00 a.m., and must be done before 4:00 p.m. In New York, it is against the law for children to pick up or collect cigarette and cigar butts. In Massachusetts, it is against the law to put tomatos in clam chowder. If you have considered entering the legal profession, consider earning your online law degree. Choose from a wide range of programs, including online paralegal degrees, and many more. In Washington State, you can't carry a concealed weapon that is over 6 feet in length. In San Francisco, there is an ordinance, which bans the picking up and throwing of used confetti. In Kentucky, it is illegal for a merchant to force a person into his place of business for the purpose of making a sale. It is against the law in Connecticut for a man to write love letters to a girl whose mother or father has forbidden the relationship. In Michigan, married couples must live together or be imprisoned. In the state of Colorado, a pet cat, if loose, must have a tail-light ! In Phoenix, Arizona, you can't walk through a hotel lobby with spurs on. In California, a law created in 1925 makes it illegal to wiggle while dancing. In Utah, daylight must be visible between dancing couples. In Michigan, it is against the law for a lady to lift her skirt more than 6 inches while walking through a mud puddle. In North Carolina, it is against the law for a rabbit to race down the street. In Georgia, it's against the law to spread a false rumor. In West Virginia, one can't cook sauerkraut or cabbage due to the odors and the offence is subject to imprisonment. In Missouri, a man must have a permit to shave. The law states that more than 3000 sheep cannot be herded down Hollywood Blvd. at any one time. In Texas, it is still a "hanging offense" to steal cattle.
Other - Entertainment - 3 Answers
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I think that you are making up the laws. I live in Utah and the cars have the right on a public road not the birds. Besides birds will fly away when anything goes up to them.
To me this is wired but too others it might be OK,but i guess because i don't live in U.S.A i live in Canada. Which by the way is a fantastic place to live in ........well...... most of the time . So if i lived in one of those states it would be different that's because I'm not use to wired law well that's my opinion. thanks
In Lexington, KY it's illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your pocket; for real.
In Texas, it's against the law for anyone to have a pair of pliers in his or her possession. In Philadelphia, you can't put pretzels in bags based on an Act of 1760. Alaska law says that you can't look at a moose from an airplane. In Corpus Christie, Texas, it is illegal to raise alligators in your home. In Miami, it is forbidden to imitate an animal. It is against the law to mispronounce the name of the State of Arkansas in that State. In Illinois, the law is that a car must be driven with the steering wheel. If your interested in the strange laws in this country then you should strive for an online paralegal certificate. Picture yourself enrolling in a paralegal institute for some online paralegal training ! Online programs that offer distance learning opportunities are great for people who work full time jobs or simply work better outside of a classroom environment. Go to Paralegal Tech today. California law prohibits a woman from driving a car while dressed in a housecoat. In Memphis, Tennessee, a woman is not to drive a car unless a man warns approaching motorists or pedestrians by walking in front of the car that is being driven. In Tennessee, it is against the law to drive a car while sleeping. In New York, it is against the law for a blind person to drive an automobile. In West Virginia, only babies can ride in a baby carriage. In Georgia, it is against the law to slap a man on the back or front. A barber is not to advertise prices in the State of Georgia. In Louisiana, a bill was introduced years ago in the State House of Representatives that fixed a ceiling on haircuts for bald men of 25 cents. In Oklahoma, no baseball team can hit the ball over the fence or out of a ballpark. In Rochester, Michigan, the law is that anyone bathing in public must have the bathing suit inspected by a police officer ! In Kentucky, it's the law that a person must take a bath once a year. In Utah, birds have the right of way on any public highway. In Ohio, one must have a license to keep a bear. In Tennessee, a law exists which prohibits the sale of bologna (sandwich meat) on Sunday. In Virginia, the Code of 1930 has a statute which prohibits corrupt practices or bribery by any person other than political candidates. In Providence, Rhode Island, it is against the law to jump off a bridge. In the State of Kansas, you're not allowed to drive a buffalo through a street. In Florida, it is against the law to put livestock on a school bus. In New Jersey, cabbage can't be sold on Sunday. In Galveston, Texas, it is illegal to have a camel run loose in the street! In North Carolina, it is against the law for dogs and cats to fight. In Singapore, it is illegal to chew gum. In Cleveland, Ohio, it is unlawful to leave chewing gum in public places. In Virginia, chickens cannot lay eggs before 8:00 a.m., and must be done before 4:00 p.m. In New York, it is against the law for children to pick up or collect cigarette and cigar butts. In Massachusetts, it is against the law to put tomatos in clam chowder. If you have considered entering the legal profession, consider earning your online law degree. Choose from a wide range of programs, including online paralegal degrees, and many more. In Washington State, you can't carry a concealed weapon that is over 6 feet in length. In San Francisco, there is an ordinance, which bans the picking up and throwing of used confetti. In Kentucky, it is illegal for a merchant to force a person into his place of business for the purpose of making a sale. It is against the law in Connecticut for a man to write love letters to a girl whose mother or father has forbidden the relationship. In Michigan, married couples must live together or be imprisoned. In the state of Colorado, a pet cat, if loose, must have a tail-light ! In Phoenix, Arizona, you can't walk through a hotel lobby with spurs on. In California, a law created in 1925 makes it illegal to wiggle while dancing. In Utah, daylight must be visible between dancing couples. In Michigan, it is against the law for a lady to lift her skirt more than 6 inches while walking through a mud puddle. In North Carolina, it is against the law for a rabbit to race down the street. In Georgia, it's against the law to spread a false rumor. In West Virginia, one can't cook sauerkraut or cabbage due to the odors and the offence is subject to imprisonment. In Missouri, a man must have a permit to shave. The law states that more than 3000 sheep cannot be herded down Hollywood Blvd. at any one time. In Texas, it is still a "hanging offense" to steal cattle.
Other - Entertainment - 3 Answers
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I think that you are making up the laws. I live in Utah and the cars have the right on a public road not the birds. Besides birds will fly away when anything goes up to them.
To me this is wired but too others it might be OK,but i guess because i don't live in U.S.A i live in Canada. Which by the way is a fantastic place to live in ........well...... most of the time . So if i lived in one of those states it would be different that's because I'm not use to wired law well that's my opinion. thanks
In Lexington, KY it's illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your pocket; for real.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
can someone help me edit my college essay???!!!?
can someone help me edit my college essay???!!!?
ive written my college essay and i need somone's opinion on how it looks??? Growing up as a child I feel as if I have the great aspects of becoming a student in your college because; im intelligent a go getter, and I always accomplish what needs to be done. I grew up in Salt Lake City Utah, I moved their when I was two and stayed their for over 9 years, I traveled to over 36 states and NO! I wasn’t an army brat. This is how it all started off as I remember; when one night I woke up with this feeling that I just entered the world of reality I still to this day don’t know if I was dreaming or having a hallucination of some kind. It felt as if my whole child hood flashed before my eyes starting from when I was a baby to like 5 years old. It was a shock for me but that moment then I knew that I had a purpose in life. To be all that I can be because theirs only one life and you should cherish each and everyday of it. I remember as a child I always had friends older than I was… I was always an A student I use to stand up for other kids all the time because I felt it was the right thing to do, but one day I was 5years old and I was riding the bus home from school this girl ; looked as she was a giant over me. Pushed my friend on the floor of the bus, and took her seat I was so angry that I stood up and told her to get up. The girl stood up towering over me as if I was a midget of some kind, I looked up and said you herd me “even though I was terrified insideâ€. The girl looked at me and took her finger and slid it across her THROAT as if she was cutting something and yelled out, “your dead meatâ€; after that day I rode the bus hoping that I wouldn’t see her I was scared for my life I dint really stand up for anymore kids after that lol I had my own life to protect. As I was a child I had many hobbies playing basketball, kickball, soccer, football, softball, hardball, and volleyball. You might as well be able to say I was a typical tomboy I didn’t like to wear dresses or skirts even though I hated those girly type clothes my mother still made me wear them everyday. I played all types of sports in dresses, and skirts, but aye I didn’t care I just wanted to have fun. One day I was about in the 3rd grade, I went out for recess and everyone decided to get together and play kickball. It was girls against boys I was wearing a dark blue jean dress and some black slide in sandals. This was the first official day that I started playing sports; the girls were behind by 2 points and it was my turn to come up to the plate I pulled my foot back and kicked and missed the ball, I was so upset but then the other girls on my team encouraged me to keep trying. So I watched the ball as it bounced towards me and I kicked the ball my sandal flew in the air, and the red ball flew all the way over to 6th graders playground. It was almost half of the field I was so shocked looking at the ball that I had forgot to run until all the girls were yelling at me. I then ran to 1st, 2nd, then 3rd base and made an HOMERUN!!! I was so excited and happy after that day I decided to play all types of sports because I saw how much fun it could be. Also I use to play the violin in our school orchestra I enjoyed playing that instrument, but I had to quite when we moved to Memphis Tennessee. I was upset when we moved their because it took a large toll on me I had to adapt to an environment that I wasn’t use to. As I entered middle school my mother felt as if I should re-enter band and learn how to play other instruments, that’s when I learned to plat the clarinet, piano, flute now I know how to play multiple instruments. I draw the smallest picture like a sticker or something and can draw a large portrait of it. I wrote stories and poems since I’ve been in the 3rd grade from horror to science fiction, funny to just plain old boring. In conclusion, I believe that an education is one of the most important things to have; but I don’t believe that it should measure a person’s intelligence. As in my child hood I know that I’ve accomplished and done many things of which other students haven’t, but im okay with that im glad of the person I have become today.
Homework Help - 2 Answers
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first, be more forceful in your opening, "I have exelent qualities that will serve me well at your college." or something similar. It's hard to correct spelling through yahoo answers, you should have someone look it over or look it over yourself carefully for your spelling mistakes like their instead of there in the second paragraph, spell check won't catch that. The subject matter is good but there are many gramatical and spelling and sentence structure issues. I recomend you have an English teacher look this over.
I agree with Mr Fuzzykins. Your opening is very weak. It is also full of grammar, spelling and punctuation errors. It is impossible to edit it on this forum. It is something that requires a red pen to circle the errors. Talk with your English teacher. It is very important to build a good foundation of knowledge about the English language. Everything you do in the future requires it. Best of luck.
ive written my college essay and i need somone's opinion on how it looks??? Growing up as a child I feel as if I have the great aspects of becoming a student in your college because; im intelligent a go getter, and I always accomplish what needs to be done. I grew up in Salt Lake City Utah, I moved their when I was two and stayed their for over 9 years, I traveled to over 36 states and NO! I wasn’t an army brat. This is how it all started off as I remember; when one night I woke up with this feeling that I just entered the world of reality I still to this day don’t know if I was dreaming or having a hallucination of some kind. It felt as if my whole child hood flashed before my eyes starting from when I was a baby to like 5 years old. It was a shock for me but that moment then I knew that I had a purpose in life. To be all that I can be because theirs only one life and you should cherish each and everyday of it. I remember as a child I always had friends older than I was… I was always an A student I use to stand up for other kids all the time because I felt it was the right thing to do, but one day I was 5years old and I was riding the bus home from school this girl ; looked as she was a giant over me. Pushed my friend on the floor of the bus, and took her seat I was so angry that I stood up and told her to get up. The girl stood up towering over me as if I was a midget of some kind, I looked up and said you herd me “even though I was terrified insideâ€. The girl looked at me and took her finger and slid it across her THROAT as if she was cutting something and yelled out, “your dead meatâ€; after that day I rode the bus hoping that I wouldn’t see her I was scared for my life I dint really stand up for anymore kids after that lol I had my own life to protect. As I was a child I had many hobbies playing basketball, kickball, soccer, football, softball, hardball, and volleyball. You might as well be able to say I was a typical tomboy I didn’t like to wear dresses or skirts even though I hated those girly type clothes my mother still made me wear them everyday. I played all types of sports in dresses, and skirts, but aye I didn’t care I just wanted to have fun. One day I was about in the 3rd grade, I went out for recess and everyone decided to get together and play kickball. It was girls against boys I was wearing a dark blue jean dress and some black slide in sandals. This was the first official day that I started playing sports; the girls were behind by 2 points and it was my turn to come up to the plate I pulled my foot back and kicked and missed the ball, I was so upset but then the other girls on my team encouraged me to keep trying. So I watched the ball as it bounced towards me and I kicked the ball my sandal flew in the air, and the red ball flew all the way over to 6th graders playground. It was almost half of the field I was so shocked looking at the ball that I had forgot to run until all the girls were yelling at me. I then ran to 1st, 2nd, then 3rd base and made an HOMERUN!!! I was so excited and happy after that day I decided to play all types of sports because I saw how much fun it could be. Also I use to play the violin in our school orchestra I enjoyed playing that instrument, but I had to quite when we moved to Memphis Tennessee. I was upset when we moved their because it took a large toll on me I had to adapt to an environment that I wasn’t use to. As I entered middle school my mother felt as if I should re-enter band and learn how to play other instruments, that’s when I learned to plat the clarinet, piano, flute now I know how to play multiple instruments. I draw the smallest picture like a sticker or something and can draw a large portrait of it. I wrote stories and poems since I’ve been in the 3rd grade from horror to science fiction, funny to just plain old boring. In conclusion, I believe that an education is one of the most important things to have; but I don’t believe that it should measure a person’s intelligence. As in my child hood I know that I’ve accomplished and done many things of which other students haven’t, but im okay with that im glad of the person I have become today.
Homework Help - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
first, be more forceful in your opening, "I have exelent qualities that will serve me well at your college." or something similar. It's hard to correct spelling through yahoo answers, you should have someone look it over or look it over yourself carefully for your spelling mistakes like their instead of there in the second paragraph, spell check won't catch that. The subject matter is good but there are many gramatical and spelling and sentence structure issues. I recomend you have an English teacher look this over.
I agree with Mr Fuzzykins. Your opening is very weak. It is also full of grammar, spelling and punctuation errors. It is impossible to edit it on this forum. It is something that requires a red pen to circle the errors. Talk with your English teacher. It is very important to build a good foundation of knowledge about the English language. Everything you do in the future requires it. Best of luck.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
What can I do to make this paragraph better and/or smaller?
What can I do to make this paragraph better and/or smaller?
On this history trip, you will see many important sights that were in the history of the Civil Rights Movement. You will get to see the Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site which commemorates the landmark Supreme Court decision aimed at ending segregation in public schools, Little Rock Central High School, which is the school where federal troops had to escort nine children who were refused admittance because the school was an all-white school, and much more! You will also be taken from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery, Alabama, which is where the Selma to Montgomery Peace March occurred. It is important for you to see these sights because they all played a huge part in the Civil Rights Movement. From Greensboro, North Carolina, we will go to Washington D.C, which is where Martin Luther King Jr. made his famous “I Have A Dream†speech. Then from Washington D.C, we will head to Detroit, Michigan, which is where blacks rioted in response to social, economic, and political equality. From Detroit, we will go to Chicago, which is a very important city to go to since it is where Cicero locals assaulted Martin Luther King Jr. and other participants at the peace rally to address northern poverty and segregated housing. From Chicago, we will go to Topeka, Kansas, then to Little Rock, Arkansas, and then to Oxford, Mississippi. In Oxford, Mississippi, James Meredith was the first black person to integrate at University of Mississippi, and due to this integration, violent protest followed. From Oxford, Mississippi, we will go to Selma, Alabama, and from Selma we will go to Montgomery, Alabama. From Montgomery, we will go to Birmingham, Alabama, which is where George Wallace, who was the governor of Alabama in 1963, personally blocked students from integrating the University of Alabama by standing in its doorway. Finally, from Birmingham, we will end our trip in Memphis, Tennessee, which is where Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. Due to Martin Luther King’s assassination, riots of protests broke out in over 100 cities. I chose to visit these historic cities in this order because it was geographically easier and was chronological in the sense of the Martin Luther King era. By seeing all of these historic sites and visiting these important cities, you will learn about the Civil Rights Movement in a way that you never have before. Hopefully you can visit me of this great journey of history! My teacher says that I am supposed to write a "short paragraph", is a paragraphwith 413 words "short"? If not, how can I make it shorter but still keep the point? Also, are there any revisions I can make? Is there anything that I could say to make this better? Please help me! I will gladly appreciate it!!!
Homework Help - 2 Answers
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I will not re-write your essay for you, but I will try and guide you. Try to replace long word strings with shorter vocab. For example: "On this history trip, you will see many important sights that were in the history of the Civil Rights Movement." Could be simply stated as "On this trip were many exhibits from the Civil Rights Movement." You make a very extensive listing of various sights, which can be shortened- cut out a few, and combined a few into a single sentence. And more importantly, rather than a long list, teachers prefer when you provide personal insight. Good Luck!
that is so not short
On this history trip, you will see many important sights that were in the history of the Civil Rights Movement. You will get to see the Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site which commemorates the landmark Supreme Court decision aimed at ending segregation in public schools, Little Rock Central High School, which is the school where federal troops had to escort nine children who were refused admittance because the school was an all-white school, and much more! You will also be taken from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery, Alabama, which is where the Selma to Montgomery Peace March occurred. It is important for you to see these sights because they all played a huge part in the Civil Rights Movement. From Greensboro, North Carolina, we will go to Washington D.C, which is where Martin Luther King Jr. made his famous “I Have A Dream†speech. Then from Washington D.C, we will head to Detroit, Michigan, which is where blacks rioted in response to social, economic, and political equality. From Detroit, we will go to Chicago, which is a very important city to go to since it is where Cicero locals assaulted Martin Luther King Jr. and other participants at the peace rally to address northern poverty and segregated housing. From Chicago, we will go to Topeka, Kansas, then to Little Rock, Arkansas, and then to Oxford, Mississippi. In Oxford, Mississippi, James Meredith was the first black person to integrate at University of Mississippi, and due to this integration, violent protest followed. From Oxford, Mississippi, we will go to Selma, Alabama, and from Selma we will go to Montgomery, Alabama. From Montgomery, we will go to Birmingham, Alabama, which is where George Wallace, who was the governor of Alabama in 1963, personally blocked students from integrating the University of Alabama by standing in its doorway. Finally, from Birmingham, we will end our trip in Memphis, Tennessee, which is where Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. Due to Martin Luther King’s assassination, riots of protests broke out in over 100 cities. I chose to visit these historic cities in this order because it was geographically easier and was chronological in the sense of the Martin Luther King era. By seeing all of these historic sites and visiting these important cities, you will learn about the Civil Rights Movement in a way that you never have before. Hopefully you can visit me of this great journey of history! My teacher says that I am supposed to write a "short paragraph", is a paragraphwith 413 words "short"? If not, how can I make it shorter but still keep the point? Also, are there any revisions I can make? Is there anything that I could say to make this better? Please help me! I will gladly appreciate it!!!
Homework Help - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
I will not re-write your essay for you, but I will try and guide you. Try to replace long word strings with shorter vocab. For example: "On this history trip, you will see many important sights that were in the history of the Civil Rights Movement." Could be simply stated as "On this trip were many exhibits from the Civil Rights Movement." You make a very extensive listing of various sights, which can be shortened- cut out a few, and combined a few into a single sentence. And more importantly, rather than a long list, teachers prefer when you provide personal insight. Good Luck!
that is so not short
Sunday, March 20, 2011
I need a job!?
I need a job!?
im 17 in Memphis Tennessee I really need a car so i can save up half on a car (my parents agreed to pay the other half) before school starts, someone please help
Food Service - 3 Answers
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Dont listen to those other answers (SCAMS). Grocery stores are good places to look. They are usually looking for workers.
grocery stores, any restaurants, clothing store , department stores
Find a place that is low on staff (ask around) that way they can guarentee you 40 hour weeks or more since the best way to make money is to work more... then decide who has the best pay... its better to have a lower paying job where you work 40 hours as opposed to a high paying job where you only work 20
im 17 in Memphis Tennessee I really need a car so i can save up half on a car (my parents agreed to pay the other half) before school starts, someone please help
Food Service - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Dont listen to those other answers (SCAMS). Grocery stores are good places to look. They are usually looking for workers.
grocery stores, any restaurants, clothing store , department stores
Find a place that is low on staff (ask around) that way they can guarentee you 40 hour weeks or more since the best way to make money is to work more... then decide who has the best pay... its better to have a lower paying job where you work 40 hours as opposed to a high paying job where you only work 20
Friday, March 18, 2011
i need help on some pharmacy colleges things please help?
i need help on some pharmacy colleges things please help?
hi i am interested in becoming a pharmacist and i want to go to university of tennessee college of pharmacy but they say i need pre-pharmacy classes i want to know is there any collges in memphis, tennessee that has pre-pharmacy classes and when they ask me what do you want to get a major in do i say pre-pharmacy or do i say chemistry, biology, or biochemistry what would be better i want a degree in doctor of pharmacy when i go to pharm school but what is better out of those three degrees for me and where is a college in memphis that i can get a major in one of those please help!!!!!!!!!!
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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this is a good test for you. do your own research.
First see an academic advisor at the university you want to attend, ask them about course requirements and if U of Tennesee has those courses. Obtain your undergraduate degree first, which will require some amount of liberal or general education studies in fields outside of the sciences, if that's what you choose as a major. During this time it will be easier for you to make up your mind as to what degree is best.
Many colleges in TN have prepharmacy classes. The general requirements are 1 year of bio, 1 year of chemistry, 1 year of organic chemistry, 1 year of physics, 1 years of english, and 1 semester of public speaking. However, the requirements vary from one pharmacy school to another. If you are serious about pharmacy school, please visit
hi i am interested in becoming a pharmacist and i want to go to university of tennessee college of pharmacy but they say i need pre-pharmacy classes i want to know is there any collges in memphis, tennessee that has pre-pharmacy classes and when they ask me what do you want to get a major in do i say pre-pharmacy or do i say chemistry, biology, or biochemistry what would be better i want a degree in doctor of pharmacy when i go to pharm school but what is better out of those three degrees for me and where is a college in memphis that i can get a major in one of those please help!!!!!!!!!!
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
this is a good test for you. do your own research.
First see an academic advisor at the university you want to attend, ask them about course requirements and if U of Tennesee has those courses. Obtain your undergraduate degree first, which will require some amount of liberal or general education studies in fields outside of the sciences, if that's what you choose as a major. During this time it will be easier for you to make up your mind as to what degree is best.
Many colleges in TN have prepharmacy classes. The general requirements are 1 year of bio, 1 year of chemistry, 1 year of organic chemistry, 1 year of physics, 1 years of english, and 1 semester of public speaking. However, the requirements vary from one pharmacy school to another. If you are serious about pharmacy school, please visit
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
what is wrong with my paper?!!!!!?
what is wrong with my paper?!!!!!?
my teacher marked all through it! idk what is so bad about it? My name is I was born in Memphis, Tennessee on October 15th, 1993. I moved to Nashville when i was a child and haven't left since then . My current location is not too far from Nashville State. I have not yet graduated from high school. I am still attending high school at Middle College High School where I am a junior and will graduate in 2010. My high school is located in Nashville State Community College. I was born in America so, naturally I speak fluently in English but, I also have completed Spanish two on the high school level which means I can speak a little Spanish. I am currently unemployed due to my busy school schedule. At Nashville State I plan on studying anthropology. I am not sure as to what I am going to do with my degree considering the minute jobs choices in this field. The skills I need to have a successful college and high school career would be to have the ability to read by the masses opposed to small increments of books like I have been. For specific class of composition 1, I plan to leave with the ability to organize papers grammatically, coherently, and logically. You are “answering questions†below here, not developing an essay. As far as my personal and social life, I do not tweet, I try to avoid texting, and try to avoid social networks because is, to be bluntly stated, a wasted of moments, time, and energy. I play guitar, piano, and synthesizers in my spare time. Instead of participating social networking, i revolve my life around music. I have two albums on my computer that I wrote consisting of over forty songs. My favorite and most influential bands are Radiohead, Animal Collective, Led Zeppelin, King Crimson, MGMT, and any early Psychedelic music.
Drawing & Illustration - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
What was the title of your assignment? It does sound rather more like a list than an essay, but we could advise more with more information. And maybe you could post in the Education section, as your question is currently in Drawing & Illustration (all about art). I think you could work up a wonderful essay from your last paragraph, as you are obviously passionate about music.
It sounds too much like something a third grader would write. "I did this. I did that." You need to be using longer sentences and a more adult sentence structure. For example: "My name is John Doe, and I was born in Memphis, Tennessee, on October 15, 1993. When I was a child, my family moved to Nashville, and we now live not too far from Nashville State. I attend Middle College High School at Nashville State Community College where I am a junior. After completing Spanish Two, I can speak a little Spanish, but my first language is English. Due to my busy school schedule, I do not currently work. After I graduate in 2012, I plan to study anthropology at Nashville State. Due to limited jobs in this field, I am not sure what I will do with my degree."
my teacher marked all through it! idk what is so bad about it? My name is I was born in Memphis, Tennessee on October 15th, 1993. I moved to Nashville when i was a child and haven't left since then . My current location is not too far from Nashville State. I have not yet graduated from high school. I am still attending high school at Middle College High School where I am a junior and will graduate in 2010. My high school is located in Nashville State Community College. I was born in America so, naturally I speak fluently in English but, I also have completed Spanish two on the high school level which means I can speak a little Spanish. I am currently unemployed due to my busy school schedule. At Nashville State I plan on studying anthropology. I am not sure as to what I am going to do with my degree considering the minute jobs choices in this field. The skills I need to have a successful college and high school career would be to have the ability to read by the masses opposed to small increments of books like I have been. For specific class of composition 1, I plan to leave with the ability to organize papers grammatically, coherently, and logically. You are “answering questions†below here, not developing an essay. As far as my personal and social life, I do not tweet, I try to avoid texting, and try to avoid social networks because is, to be bluntly stated, a wasted of moments, time, and energy. I play guitar, piano, and synthesizers in my spare time. Instead of participating social networking, i revolve my life around music. I have two albums on my computer that I wrote consisting of over forty songs. My favorite and most influential bands are Radiohead, Animal Collective, Led Zeppelin, King Crimson, MGMT, and any early Psychedelic music.
Drawing & Illustration - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
What was the title of your assignment? It does sound rather more like a list than an essay, but we could advise more with more information. And maybe you could post in the Education section, as your question is currently in Drawing & Illustration (all about art). I think you could work up a wonderful essay from your last paragraph, as you are obviously passionate about music.
It sounds too much like something a third grader would write. "I did this. I did that." You need to be using longer sentences and a more adult sentence structure. For example: "My name is John Doe, and I was born in Memphis, Tennessee, on October 15, 1993. When I was a child, my family moved to Nashville, and we now live not too far from Nashville State. I attend Middle College High School at Nashville State Community College where I am a junior. After completing Spanish Two, I can speak a little Spanish, but my first language is English. Due to my busy school schedule, I do not currently work. After I graduate in 2012, I plan to study anthropology at Nashville State. Due to limited jobs in this field, I am not sure what I will do with my degree."
Monday, March 14, 2011
I need to find a cute sundress fast!?
I need to find a cute sundress fast!?
Ok, i am going to memphis, tennessee with my high school marching band and i need a SUPER cute sundress fast! i dont want it to be more than $50 and if you can add links that would be super helpful! help me! :(
Fashion & Accessories - 13 Answers
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aeropostale, forever 21, charlotte russe.
Old Navy. look in the beach clothes section.
here you go:|Sundresses&lastFilter=Style
H&M has really pretty summer dresses, and theyre mostly under $40
This helped me A LOT! For pretty shoes,handbags,belts (if you want)
FOREVER 21. they have wicked cute sundresses. I get all mine from there
7 hope i helped(=
Try TJ Max, I just got a dress there to wear for my band concert and it was only $25, they have a lot of them too.
You could try: or Good Luck!
10 haha wow! hope you found what you're looking for ;)
They have some gorgeous and unique dresses here!
victoria's secret all the way! i could seriously post SO many more. but i can't because yahoo answers only allows 10 links:( all the ones i posted are less that $50. they all come in lot of different colors. just go on the Victoria's Secret website. then from there you'll see it says "summer dresses". again theres allot of variety & they are super cute ♥ enjoy & have fun with your marching band <3
Ok here are some at Aeropostale: Most of these are super cute so here is the link to the page: They are all under $50 American Eagle: All of these are under $50 as well- Hope i helped!!
Ok, i am going to memphis, tennessee with my high school marching band and i need a SUPER cute sundress fast! i dont want it to be more than $50 and if you can add links that would be super helpful! help me! :(
Fashion & Accessories - 13 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
aeropostale, forever 21, charlotte russe.
Old Navy. look in the beach clothes section.
here you go:|Sundresses&lastFilter=Style
H&M has really pretty summer dresses, and theyre mostly under $40
This helped me A LOT! For pretty shoes,handbags,belts (if you want)
FOREVER 21. they have wicked cute sundresses. I get all mine from there
7 hope i helped(=
Try TJ Max, I just got a dress there to wear for my band concert and it was only $25, they have a lot of them too.
You could try: or Good Luck!
10 haha wow! hope you found what you're looking for ;)
They have some gorgeous and unique dresses here!
victoria's secret all the way! i could seriously post SO many more. but i can't because yahoo answers only allows 10 links:( all the ones i posted are less that $50. they all come in lot of different colors. just go on the Victoria's Secret website. then from there you'll see it says "summer dresses". again theres allot of variety & they are super cute ♥ enjoy & have fun with your marching band <3
Ok here are some at Aeropostale: Most of these are super cute so here is the link to the page: They are all under $50 American Eagle: All of these are under $50 as well- Hope i helped!!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
I have a bad credit history what should I do?
I have a bad credit history what should I do?
When I was 18 I took out a capitalone credit card and got 200 bucks instant cash and took it to memphis tennessee and blew it all at a hippy festival. Now I'm 27 and I have 20,000 dollars worth of school loans and about 5k worth of doctor bills and that same capital one bill is 1800 bucks and I don't get collection notices any more they have signed me off. I am interested in making a weekly payment on my own and building it up on my own. However I don't know where to get my Fico score to start, everyone wants a 13 dollar a month subscription and I can use that money to make a payment. I went to a credit counselor and they told me I need to get current info from all of my lenders before they help me come up with a debt repayment plan. I think I am not going to use them and I'm going to do it myself. I am going to have to pay about 120 bucks a month on my school loans I can probably pay another 100 bucks a month on my credit. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. websites too.
Credit - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Everyone in USA is entitled to a one time free credit report per year----check on google for "free credit report" and they will give you the proper web site to call it up. You can only get it once per 12 months-----; however, Im not sure you really want to see it as it is going to be depressing. Do what the credit counselor said:: write each one of your creditors requesting their best plan they have to offer (how much per month) and if willing to reduce principal. After you get those in hand you will know where to start. In the meantime, sell everything that you dont absolutely need. Downsize on the car, sell jewelery etc and raise some cash. Good luck
If you are able, make more than the minimum payments on these debts, because if all you make are the minimum payments, between interest and penalties you will never, repeat never succeed in paying it off. Depending on the current state of your income, consider a chapter 13 filing to protect your assets, whatever they may be. If you have the ability(financial) the 13 will allow you to repay your debts at so much on the dollar, which will result in a substantial saving in terms of interest. There is also the protection of whatever property you may have. If your income is not adequate, consider a chapter 7 filing. This will remove everything but the student loan debts, and put you in a better position to repay those. The plus side is that you get a deduction for interest paid on student loans on your 1040 form. Make no mistake, I'm not by any means telling you to ignore your obligations. Its just that at your age you can rebuild a credit history fairly easily compared to someone in their 60's in the same situation.
I got my credit report from, but I paid about $45 for the 3 part one (from the 3 bureaus). Each one had some different info, so it really helped. They then had me on a weekly credit check, where they make sure you know who checks your credit. After a year, you can renew it for about $10, but I decided not to do that. Once you have your report, you'll know who you need to contact. I would think you should pay the one with the highest interest first. That, or the smallest get it out of the way. Doctor bills come off of your report after 7 years, so you may want to check into that. If they are not off, contact the credit bureau to tell them the time limit is over. My hubby was stuck with some of them when he was divorced. Nine years later, he has decent credit. When I got my report, one factor that made my score lower was the fact that I only had credit for about 9 years! I was 28, so how much more time did I need?! They say time heals all wounds, and in this case, it's true. I have learned that I am not good with credit cards. I still have some, but they have a zero balance. I didn't want to close them out, in case of emergency. Good luck!
4 is a 1x payment for get your credit report with your fico score (the fico is what your paying for). if you know or feel that your your fico is bad, don't pay for it. just get your free credit report. if you don't get collection notices, another collection agency will buy your debt at pennies to the dollar & contact you. you're best bet is to save your money as much as possible & make a 1x settlement. if you saved the money, you'll be surprised & how disperate they want to get paid. on one of my credit cards, i settled from $3000 to $700 with no form 1099 back in 2001.
If you want to do it'll have to spend some money. First, you'll need to purchase a 3 in 1 report from it is worth the money you'll spend because it will show your credit history and credit score from all three reporting agencies. Then look into a do it yourself credit repair company to learn more ways to clean up your credit. You could look at it is a low cost way to learn how to repair your credit.
Clean it up with credit repair. . Usually companies charge hundreds of dollars to simply pull your credit and send correctly worded dispute letters—this is the key…..people will tell you that you can do this yourself for free but the truth of the matter is that the credit bureaus will throw your letters away or simply reject them. There is an easy to use online kit that will deliver the results you want available for just $19.95 at the source website. A similar kit is being sold via infomercials and radio talk shows for seventy dollars more but they try to solicit you repeatedly for other services after the fact.
If you have a poor credit score, it is difficult to get a loan from most banks and financial institutions. Credit is usually available only at a very high interest rate.Only few companies provide loan with poor credit score.Check out link for details.
When I was 18 I took out a capitalone credit card and got 200 bucks instant cash and took it to memphis tennessee and blew it all at a hippy festival. Now I'm 27 and I have 20,000 dollars worth of school loans and about 5k worth of doctor bills and that same capital one bill is 1800 bucks and I don't get collection notices any more they have signed me off. I am interested in making a weekly payment on my own and building it up on my own. However I don't know where to get my Fico score to start, everyone wants a 13 dollar a month subscription and I can use that money to make a payment. I went to a credit counselor and they told me I need to get current info from all of my lenders before they help me come up with a debt repayment plan. I think I am not going to use them and I'm going to do it myself. I am going to have to pay about 120 bucks a month on my school loans I can probably pay another 100 bucks a month on my credit. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. websites too.
Credit - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Everyone in USA is entitled to a one time free credit report per year----check on google for "free credit report" and they will give you the proper web site to call it up. You can only get it once per 12 months-----; however, Im not sure you really want to see it as it is going to be depressing. Do what the credit counselor said:: write each one of your creditors requesting their best plan they have to offer (how much per month) and if willing to reduce principal. After you get those in hand you will know where to start. In the meantime, sell everything that you dont absolutely need. Downsize on the car, sell jewelery etc and raise some cash. Good luck
If you are able, make more than the minimum payments on these debts, because if all you make are the minimum payments, between interest and penalties you will never, repeat never succeed in paying it off. Depending on the current state of your income, consider a chapter 13 filing to protect your assets, whatever they may be. If you have the ability(financial) the 13 will allow you to repay your debts at so much on the dollar, which will result in a substantial saving in terms of interest. There is also the protection of whatever property you may have. If your income is not adequate, consider a chapter 7 filing. This will remove everything but the student loan debts, and put you in a better position to repay those. The plus side is that you get a deduction for interest paid on student loans on your 1040 form. Make no mistake, I'm not by any means telling you to ignore your obligations. Its just that at your age you can rebuild a credit history fairly easily compared to someone in their 60's in the same situation.
I got my credit report from, but I paid about $45 for the 3 part one (from the 3 bureaus). Each one had some different info, so it really helped. They then had me on a weekly credit check, where they make sure you know who checks your credit. After a year, you can renew it for about $10, but I decided not to do that. Once you have your report, you'll know who you need to contact. I would think you should pay the one with the highest interest first. That, or the smallest get it out of the way. Doctor bills come off of your report after 7 years, so you may want to check into that. If they are not off, contact the credit bureau to tell them the time limit is over. My hubby was stuck with some of them when he was divorced. Nine years later, he has decent credit. When I got my report, one factor that made my score lower was the fact that I only had credit for about 9 years! I was 28, so how much more time did I need?! They say time heals all wounds, and in this case, it's true. I have learned that I am not good with credit cards. I still have some, but they have a zero balance. I didn't want to close them out, in case of emergency. Good luck!
4 is a 1x payment for get your credit report with your fico score (the fico is what your paying for). if you know or feel that your your fico is bad, don't pay for it. just get your free credit report. if you don't get collection notices, another collection agency will buy your debt at pennies to the dollar & contact you. you're best bet is to save your money as much as possible & make a 1x settlement. if you saved the money, you'll be surprised & how disperate they want to get paid. on one of my credit cards, i settled from $3000 to $700 with no form 1099 back in 2001.
If you want to do it'll have to spend some money. First, you'll need to purchase a 3 in 1 report from it is worth the money you'll spend because it will show your credit history and credit score from all three reporting agencies. Then look into a do it yourself credit repair company to learn more ways to clean up your credit. You could look at it is a low cost way to learn how to repair your credit.
Clean it up with credit repair. . Usually companies charge hundreds of dollars to simply pull your credit and send correctly worded dispute letters—this is the key…..people will tell you that you can do this yourself for free but the truth of the matter is that the credit bureaus will throw your letters away or simply reject them. There is an easy to use online kit that will deliver the results you want available for just $19.95 at the source website. A similar kit is being sold via infomercials and radio talk shows for seventy dollars more but they try to solicit you repeatedly for other services after the fact.
If you have a poor credit score, it is difficult to get a loan from most banks and financial institutions. Credit is usually available only at a very high interest rate.Only few companies provide loan with poor credit score.Check out link for details.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
What are my chances of getting into a Governor's School?
What are my chances of getting into a Governor's School?
I applied for the The Governor's School for International Studies.It is being held at the University of Memphis in Tennessee.I've been trying to find info about it but I just cant seem to find anything.I would like to know what my chances of getting in are. I am a Junior at McGavock High school(a basic public school,nothing special about it but its band.) I am a 16 year old Male from Bosnia.I moved here when I was 5. My GPA is 3.68 My Act score was 30 I was on the soccer team my freshman year and on student council my Sophomore year. I am also in the Encore Program.(this is since Elementary.) I would say that my Essay and teacher recommendations were about a 4 on a scale of 1-5 Thats about all the information I know to give. I would also love to know the admissions statistics of governors schools if there are any.Like how many people apply on average and how many get accepted. If you can answer any of these questions or give me some more info about Governors school in general that would be Great.Thank you.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
The easiest way is to goto a website like Fill in the details of what you need and they show you how to apply.
I applied for the The Governor's School for International Studies.It is being held at the University of Memphis in Tennessee.I've been trying to find info about it but I just cant seem to find anything.I would like to know what my chances of getting in are. I am a Junior at McGavock High school(a basic public school,nothing special about it but its band.) I am a 16 year old Male from Bosnia.I moved here when I was 5. My GPA is 3.68 My Act score was 30 I was on the soccer team my freshman year and on student council my Sophomore year. I am also in the Encore Program.(this is since Elementary.) I would say that my Essay and teacher recommendations were about a 4 on a scale of 1-5 Thats about all the information I know to give. I would also love to know the admissions statistics of governors schools if there are any.Like how many people apply on average and how many get accepted. If you can answer any of these questions or give me some more info about Governors school in general that would be Great.Thank you.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
The easiest way is to goto a website like Fill in the details of what you need and they show you how to apply.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
I am going into this a good plan???
I am going into this a good plan???
I am going to a Henderson State University in Arkansas, and I am going to double major in chemistry, and biology, and minor in physics. From there I am going to Dental School at the University of Tennessee in Memphis. Dental school is really expensive, so I am going to dental school by using the army. They will pay full tuitoin, books, fees, health insurance, and for any equipment. they will also pay me a $1900 stipend per month while I am in medical school. I will also get a $20000 sign on bonus. However, when I get out of med school, I will have to serve in the Army as a dentist for four years, and I will go in as an officer. I plan to use the money I earn in the military to put towards a dental practice. Does this plan sound sufficient?
Dental - 1 Answers
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Yes! I have classmates who are doing this! But make sure you are doing it because your heart is in it, and not just because your head says it will work. It's a long and emotionally draining road so you want to play it in a way that works well for you and keeps you sane. The same goes for choosing your major. Bear in mind that everyone who applies is smart and has top grades, so taking classes that you think will look best on your application will be less helpful than taking a variety of classes that you find interesting that will make you seem like a unique and sincere person. You will need to be well-rounded. (I took things like physics, astronomy, French, human sexuality, leadership,...etc in addition to my science prerequisites and my neuroscience major classes. If my school offered "minors" mine would have been in middle east history!) Good luck!
I am going to a Henderson State University in Arkansas, and I am going to double major in chemistry, and biology, and minor in physics. From there I am going to Dental School at the University of Tennessee in Memphis. Dental school is really expensive, so I am going to dental school by using the army. They will pay full tuitoin, books, fees, health insurance, and for any equipment. they will also pay me a $1900 stipend per month while I am in medical school. I will also get a $20000 sign on bonus. However, when I get out of med school, I will have to serve in the Army as a dentist for four years, and I will go in as an officer. I plan to use the money I earn in the military to put towards a dental practice. Does this plan sound sufficient?
Dental - 1 Answers
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Yes! I have classmates who are doing this! But make sure you are doing it because your heart is in it, and not just because your head says it will work. It's a long and emotionally draining road so you want to play it in a way that works well for you and keeps you sane. The same goes for choosing your major. Bear in mind that everyone who applies is smart and has top grades, so taking classes that you think will look best on your application will be less helpful than taking a variety of classes that you find interesting that will make you seem like a unique and sincere person. You will need to be well-rounded. (I took things like physics, astronomy, French, human sexuality, leadership,...etc in addition to my science prerequisites and my neuroscience major classes. If my school offered "minors" mine would have been in middle east history!) Good luck!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
What schools did you or do you do to?
What schools did you or do you do to?
I went to Alcy Elementary, Corry Middle School, Hamilton High school and WhiteHaven High, all in Memphis Tennessee
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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all in NYC schools
oooooo went to a lot of schools Frazysburg Elementary School (one year) Cherry Valley Elementary School (little over a school year) Bladensburg Elemntary School (litte under a school year) Garfield Elementary School (one year) Hazelwood Elementary School (two years) Kettering Intermediate School (one year) Lincoln Middle School (2 years) Licking Valley High School (4 years) THE Ohio State University (one year -- drop out, no money) :o)
I went to Alcy Elementary, Corry Middle School, Hamilton High school and WhiteHaven High, all in Memphis Tennessee
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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all in NYC schools
oooooo went to a lot of schools Frazysburg Elementary School (one year) Cherry Valley Elementary School (little over a school year) Bladensburg Elemntary School (litte under a school year) Garfield Elementary School (one year) Hazelwood Elementary School (two years) Kettering Intermediate School (one year) Lincoln Middle School (2 years) Licking Valley High School (4 years) THE Ohio State University (one year -- drop out, no money) :o)
Friday, March 4, 2011
Help with dentistry school?
Help with dentistry school?
I need a little bit of help with my plans for college. First, I live in Tennessee, and I would definitely like to stay in the state. I need help deciding what classes I should take during the rest of high school. I am in Honors Chemistry 1 now and will take Honors Biology 1 next year. I also know that I'll need to get accepted into the UTHSC in Memphis (The only dentistry school in TN.) after I get my bachelor's. But does it matter where I go to get my bachelor's the first four years? And what will I need to major in then? Thanks for all answers.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Choose your Major so that you have a good fallback career if Dentistry School doesn't work out. Petroleum Engineering, for example gives good training in drilling procedures (hahaha). Even better would be Bioprocess Engineering.
I need a little bit of help with my plans for college. First, I live in Tennessee, and I would definitely like to stay in the state. I need help deciding what classes I should take during the rest of high school. I am in Honors Chemistry 1 now and will take Honors Biology 1 next year. I also know that I'll need to get accepted into the UTHSC in Memphis (The only dentistry school in TN.) after I get my bachelor's. But does it matter where I go to get my bachelor's the first four years? And what will I need to major in then? Thanks for all answers.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Choose your Major so that you have a good fallback career if Dentistry School doesn't work out. Petroleum Engineering, for example gives good training in drilling procedures (hahaha). Even better would be Bioprocess Engineering.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Here is my informal resume as a junior...Please look at it and tell me what colleges i might want to aim for?
Here is my informal resume as a junior...Please look at it and tell me what colleges i might want to aim for?
I am a junior at a public school in Memphis, Tennessee. I am taking 5 AP's (Chem, Latin, English 11, Geography, and Biology) this year as well as Honors Precalculus. My sophomore year I took AP US History and got a 5 on the exam. My semester grades this year are 4 A's (93-100) and 1 B in AP Chem, at about an 87.My GPA is around 3.9-4.0. I wrestled in 9th and 10th grade, am in mock trial and science bowl for 11th grade. I have solid community service, but I think I am lacking in leadership positions. I got a 214 on the PSAT; I have yet to take the SAT, but on a practice exam monitored by princeton review, I got a 2220. I am most likely taking AP Calculus, AP English, AP Government, AP Latin, and Honors Physics next year. I am in the beta club, latin club, government club, muslim youth group of memphis, and hope to get national honor society for next year. I placed in numerous Latin competitions, as well as Gold on all 3 of my national latin exams. My goals are to go to maybe an ivy league school or schools such as Georgetown, UNC, BC, BU, Amherst, WashU, Johns Hopkins, Emory, Vandy, NYU, Notre Dame, Carnegie Mellon, etc. I know im not giving much info, but any help or advice you can give me on my odds, where I should aim for, or what I need to improve on. Id appreciate it. Thanks!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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"Why did you discontinue your extra-curricular activities" would probably be a question that would spring up to your admissions officer.
I am a junior at a public school in Memphis, Tennessee. I am taking 5 AP's (Chem, Latin, English 11, Geography, and Biology) this year as well as Honors Precalculus. My sophomore year I took AP US History and got a 5 on the exam. My semester grades this year are 4 A's (93-100) and 1 B in AP Chem, at about an 87.My GPA is around 3.9-4.0. I wrestled in 9th and 10th grade, am in mock trial and science bowl for 11th grade. I have solid community service, but I think I am lacking in leadership positions. I got a 214 on the PSAT; I have yet to take the SAT, but on a practice exam monitored by princeton review, I got a 2220. I am most likely taking AP Calculus, AP English, AP Government, AP Latin, and Honors Physics next year. I am in the beta club, latin club, government club, muslim youth group of memphis, and hope to get national honor society for next year. I placed in numerous Latin competitions, as well as Gold on all 3 of my national latin exams. My goals are to go to maybe an ivy league school or schools such as Georgetown, UNC, BC, BU, Amherst, WashU, Johns Hopkins, Emory, Vandy, NYU, Notre Dame, Carnegie Mellon, etc. I know im not giving much info, but any help or advice you can give me on my odds, where I should aim for, or what I need to improve on. Id appreciate it. Thanks!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
"Why did you discontinue your extra-curricular activities" would probably be a question that would spring up to your admissions officer.
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