I'm going to graduate in a few years. I want to consider my options, and find a school around my family. If you can, please tell me all the schools you know of near Rapid City, South Dakota and Memphis, Tennessee. Somewhere 4 hours away at the most. Thank you for your help!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Well I can't speak for Memphis, but in Rapid there is the School of Mines and Technology. This is a great Science and Engineering School, but doesn't offer much else. Black Hills State University in Spearfish, SD isn't as prestigious but might have what you're looking for. (Both schools are public schools/cheap). Also there is Chadron State U. in Chadron, Nebraska. I don't know much about it, but I think it is within 4 hours of Rapid. For Wyoming you might want to search schools in Gillette, Newcastle or Sundance. Hopefully this helps and hopefully someone else can help you with schools in Memphis.